Akascribe A personal blog covering all manner of subjects

September 30, 2009

Faux Boomer

Filed under: General — akascribe @ 1:27 pm

I was born in 1961, which makes me a Baby Boomer.  But I’ve never felt like one.  I missed out the Sixties, unless you count making it into the 4th grade as “participating” in the watershed decade of the last century.  I never had to worry about whether to burn my draft card, although I did sign my selective service card “under protest” in 1979 so that my federal student college loan wouldn’t be held up.  (Yeah, I know – pretty pathetic boomer credentials.)  By the time I was out of college and ready to fully indulge in the sexual revolution, STDs and AIDS were the acronyms du jour.  Pardon me for feeling gypped.  Big time.

Whatever Boomer issues sprang up in the social zeitgeist, there were only crumbs left on the table when I arrived.  But I and my contemporaries got tagged with all the Boomer stigmas: over-educated, profligate, self-absorbed, wine-swilling hedonists.  (Okay, I guess I plead guilty to at least some of those.)

It seems I’m not the first to note the displacement of my sub-generation at the tail end of the Baby Boom.  A few sociologists have named it the ‘Tween Generation, while some wag has called us the Brady Boomers (since we grew up watching The Brady Bunch on TV).  Whatever you call it, it still sucks to be a Boomer pretender.

The other bad thing about being a ‘Tweener is that the generations that came after mine seemed much more, well, cool.  Generation X had way better music and Generation Y has the whole digital thing in its DNA.  Plus, their politics are better.  My ‘Tweeners were part of the Reagan Revolution, which caused me great distress in the 80s.  I’d travel to Europe and have to apologize for my government, even though back home a lot of my contemporaries were happily joining fraternities and sororities and raising another beer to Uncle Ronnie.

For me, the worst part of being a Faux Boomer, though, was that my parents were part of the so-called “Greatest Generation” – those children of the Great Depression who fought in World War II (in my father’s case) and made the world safe for democracy, went to college on the GI Bill (again, Dad), then stormed out into the workplace to create the immense prosperity of the post-war years.  In contrast to them, my trials and tribulations seemed miniscule.  Dinner table conversation might consist of my mother describing V-1 bombs buzzing overhead in wartime London, then the severe food rationing which lasted in Britain through the early 50s.  Of course Dad could regale us with actual war stories, like being wounded and captured during the Battle of the Bulge and enduring actual starvation in a German POW camp.  What did I and my sister have to offer?  We didn’t get the prizes we wanted in our Cracker Jack boxes?  Our Wham-O Slip ‘n Slide stopped working?  Pretty thin gruel.

But there are some advantages of not being a bona fide, dues-paying member of the Baby Boom generation.  I never had to choose between Beatles and Rolling Stones – I could enjoy them both.  I never had one of those bad acid trips that never ends.  And I could take genuine pride in voting for Barack Obama, knowing I was electing one of my own – the first President born in the sixties (actually, one month before me).  You can have your Bill Clintons and your George W. Bushes – we’ve finally got my kind of Boomer in the White House!

September 16, 2009

Say it Ain’t So: Serena Williams and a Plea for Decorum

Filed under: General,Sports — akascribe @ 10:05 pm

Ever since Serena Williams’s outburst at the U.S. Open, I’ve been trying to process what this unfortunate incident means for tennis and society as a whole.  Given the “perfect storm” of rude behavior lately, starting with Rep. Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” heckling of President Obama in the House chamber (for which he was thankfully formally reprimanded by his colleagues), and Kanye West’s boorishness at the MTV Video Music Awards, civility – or the lack thereof – has been the topic du jour.  My good buddy Marco got tapped by his editors at USA Today to write a same-day piece earlier this week on that very subject.  As usual, he knocked it out of the park.

Today, more specifically on the subject of Serena’s antics, another superlative local journalist – Bruce Jenkins of the San Francisco Chronicle – has written an acutely observant article.  A word about Bruce.  Apart from his sharing the same SoCal hometown as me, his reporting is one of the (dwindling) reasons why I keep subscribing to this paper, but it is incredibly sad that this veteran sportswriter was forced to cover Wimbledon and the U.S. Open this year via television because of budget cutbacks at his paper.  It would be a cliché to say that the Chronicle is bleeding red ink, with its imminent demise a much talked-about Bay Area issue, but for Bruce’s sake and that of his fellow loyal readers I hope the Hearst Corp. can somehow figure out a profitable business model soon.

Bruce’s article makes the point that the professional tennis establishment not only tolerates but actually relishes the vulgar behavior that its athletes (like McEnroe and Connors in previous decades) all-too-often exhibit because that drives up TV ratings.  Just like I suppose people tune into NASCAR races to see a crash, Bruce bewails the fact that there aren’t enough tennis aficionados content with the purity of the game itself.

Well, count me as one of those aficionados who could do very well without a tennis pro losing it when she’s about to be legitimately beaten (by the refreshingly wholesome Kim Clijsters) and threatening a lineswoman in a profanity-laced tirade.  Especially as I was watching the match with my 8 year-old son, who has recently started playing the game in earnest. 

Collin absolutely loves sports and is as ardent a spectator as participant.  Basketball is uppermost in his firmament (with Michael Jordan the archangel) but he’s equally happy hanging with his dad and watching Lance spin up Mont Ventoux, Tim strike out the side for the Giants or Roger dispatch another pretender with his one-handed backhand.  He (rightly) has admired Serena for her game so he was as shocked as I was to see her lose it in that fashion.  We talk a lot about sportsmanship and, believe me, at 8 years old it can be tough to hold it together after a difficult loss.  So what’s he to make of it when Serena basically gets away scot-free with her behavior?  I can preach humility and manners until I’m blue in the face but the television set doesn’t lie – there was Serena completely blowing off questions about remorse in her post-match press conference and there she was again the next day, playing with her sister in the doubles finals as if nothing had happened.

Now I know I can’t protect my son from the big bad world forever and he is already as sophisticated as most kids his age.  For instance, when CBS replayed Serena’s courtside verbal barrage, they bleeped the profanities.  Collin volunteered that she probably said the “F-word.”  “You think?” I asked, feigning innocence.  “Yes,” he continued.  “That either means frick or fuck.”  Amusing, but I’m less concerned about his burgeoning playground vocabulary than the reality that highly paid professionals (and, by definition, role models) feel entitled to their rude behavior by the lack of any meaningful disapprobation.

And that’s really it, isn’t it?  The lack of consequences.  I can threaten my son with taking his racquet away if he throws it, but now he knows that Serena can smash hers with impunity then grab another one from her bag.

So what are we to do?  Well, I suppose we could vote with our remote control and boycott sports broadcasts that prove to be more spectacle than sporting.  But that’s not likely to have much impact, especially, as Bruce Jenkins imagined, someone probably remarked to Serena later with approval:  “Girl, you went off!”  Which is a far cry from what the young boy in Chicago supposedly said to Shoeless Joe Jackson in the wake of the 1919 Black Sox Scandal:  “Say it ain’t so, Joe.”

September 11, 2009

Food, Glorious Food

Filed under: Domestic Tranquility,Food, Glorious Food,General — akascribe @ 11:17 am

I knew when I started this blog that there would be entries about food.  You see, I love food.  Now that remark immediately strikes me as nonsensical.  Of course I love food – I need to eat and I am a pleasure-loving creature.  But it never ceases to amaze – and dismay – me when I see people who don’t truly love food.  Now they may think they like food, as they gorge their faces on what they would describe as food.  But even though the current McDonald’s advertising slogan is:  “I’m Lovin’ It,” that does not come anywhere close to what I’m talking about.

I don’t wish to sound like a food snob.  Lord knows I’ve had a meal or two at Mickey D’s.  And it’s certainly easy, as a Bay Area resident in the epicenter of the American real food movement, to come across with a superiority attitude when it comes to things culinary.  But much as it might seem that we Californians are ahead of the curve (as, let’s face it, we often are), we’re actually just getting around to shopping and cooking and eating the way other cultures have been for ages.

To be a lover of food, it certainly helps to have been brought up in a home where good food was prepared with love.  I can thank my parents for that, especially my mother, who cooked untold thousands of nutritious, tasty meals.  Someone is our family might have been upset at another or might have had a rotten day, but I know it soothed the soul to sit down to a set table and a hot meal.  Maybe it was homemade spaghetti Bolognese with a green salad.  Nothing fancy, really, but honest and delicious.

I won’t get into a diatribe about what’s wrong with the food industry or modern dietary habits.  Michael Pollan and others have covered these bases superbly.  If To Kill a Mockingbird is still required reading in school – and I hope it is – then The Omnivore’s Dilemma should be as well.

It will take time, but I’m essentially an optimist.  The cost of sustainable food (e.g. organic, local produce) is coming down and is more widely available.  People will realize how much better they feel when the put quality above quantity.  Meanwhile, I’ll continue my love affair with food.  Shopping for it, cooking it, serving it to others.  And yes, especially eating it.

September 6, 2009

The Case For Marriage

Filed under: Domestic Tranquility,General — akascribe @ 11:03 am

I’ve been a long-time reader of The Atlantic (which I still stubbornly refer to as The Atlantic Monthly) and in recent years I’ve enjoyed seeing my old childhood friend, Sandra Tsing Loh, author the occasional book review.  So imagine my surprise when I glanced at the cover of the July/August issue and saw the teaser: “Sandra Tsing Loh: The Case Against Marriage.”  The actual article’s title was even worse: “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off” with the subtitle: “The author is ending her marriage.  Isn’t it time you did the same?”

Now divorce is sad, especially when there are kids involved.  But using one’s personal break-up as a platform to condemn the entire institution of marriage?  Even for Sandra, who can be, shall we say, a bit melodramatic in her humor and style, this seemed extreme.  The personal details, which she unfortunately saw fit to parade for our voyeuristic discomfort, were fairly prosaic.  A suburban marriage gone cold, with two intelligent, loving parents who apparently became absorbed in their work (her soon-to-be-ex is a musician who travels a lot with his band).  Then she met another man, an affair ensued, and (as she put it), she and her husband cried, they rented their hair, they bewailed the fate of their children, but she decided she didn’t have the strength to “work on” falling in love again in her marriage.

I know the publishing industry is in a dither about shrinking revenue models and I certainly wouldn’t begrudge my old friend the opportunity to earn her crust of bread.  But the reason I read The Atlantic is that its topics and analysis are typically pitched at a slightly more elevated level than People.  (I also subscribe to The New Yorker and like a lot of folks I was dismayed during Tina Brown’s editorial tenure, but that ship righted itself – bless you, David Remnick! – and it now produces, I think, the perfect blend of popular interest, social humor and intellectual heft.)  Whither The Atlantic?

To be fair, for the past few years the magazine has kept up a running forum parsing the societal pressures affecting educated, haute bourgeois women, often housing the eloquent post-feminist book reviews of Caitlin Flanagan.  Flanagan, who like Sandra, is a Los Angeles-based working mother of two, tacks perhaps a bit more towards the traditional side of the family values waters, although I haven’t discerned that much that separates them.  Both witty prose stylists, they have (until Sandra’s latest personal bombshell) demonstrated a healthy regard for the frustrating joys of juggling school lunches, busy working husbands and their own mid-track literary careers.  Where they apparently parted company is sex.

Sex, you gulp?  I don’t toss this out cavalierly and I certainly don’t mean to be, in any way, titillating or invasive.  But Sandra’s article goes to great lengths to describe the lack of sex in her own marriage and those of her circle of woman friends.  This, in a nutshell, is her argument: middle class marriage gets routine, so with the parents exhausted from their work-a-day chores, sex gets left by the wayside. Knowing this, why bother getting married in the first place?

To which Caitlin Flanagan would no doubt respond: for the kids.  And furthermore: you (married couples out there) have got to make more of an effort in the bedroom.

Now I’m not just writing this because I read The Atlantic or because I went to school with the author of the article in question or because I’m a guy with an axe to grind.  The subject intimately interests me.  I, too, am married, with a kid, and with a wife who writes professionally part-time while serving as the primary caregiver at home.  I am the exact same age as both Sandra Tsing Loh and Caitlin Flanagan, with very similar socioeconomic backgrounds (intellectual parents, suburban middle class upbringing, graduate school education).  I know about the trade-offs required in a relationship with two creative, working parents.  Would I like my marriage to have a more robust sex life?  You bet.  I mean, we’re doing okay – I promise sweetheart, this is all that I’m going to be writing on the subject! – but let’s face it, there are seasons in most people’s lives and the to-hell-with-dinner, rip-the-clothes-off-on-a-daily-basis stuff typically wanes a bit once you settle down and have a family, especially when economic pressures exist.

I imagine it was ever thus.  What changed, in modern times, is that divorce gradually became more acceptable.  To read the psychological literature, it is nevertheless devastating on children – I don’t think anyone should delude themselves about that – although there are certainly unhealthy marriages that should be ended for the sake of the kids.  But for the most part, marriages are like epic voyages: there are joys and strains, there are boring stretches and transcendental moments and there are times when you wonder whether to pack it all in.  And like the saying goes, it isn’t so much the destination that counts but the journey itself.

And I do believe that children fundamentally alter the marital landscape.  Without kids, a divorce is just a breakup with annoying costs and paperwork.  With kids in the picture, it’s a whole different ballgame.

Ayelet Waldman, the Berkeley lawyer and novelist, stirred things up a few years ago when she “confessed” in a New York Times essay (titled, “Truly, Madly, Guiltily”) that she loved her husband more than her kids, even going so far as to say that she would get over the death of one of her children but that she’d be inconsolable if she ever lost her spouse.  She then took her faux mea culpa act onto Oprah where she and her hostess cleverly turned the tables on an initially hostile female audience.  As some of these women fessed up to living in loveless marriages, perpetuated for the sake of the children, Waldman emerged triumphant.

Personally, I don’t think it was Waldman’s placing her husband – the absurdly talented writer, Michael Chabon – at the top of her domestic pecking order that pissed off so many women.  (The men, of course, had there been any in the studio, would have been cheering fit to bust.)  No, more likely it was Waldman’s gleeful boasting that, four kids later, she and her hubby have an incredibly hot sex life, routinely going at it like newlyweds on a tropical honeymoon.  Who wants to hear that when you aren’t getting any?  But assuming, for the sake of argument, Waldman is telling it like it is, I say: more power to them.  We all need role models to aspire to, be they literary or conjugal.  I just hope, for their sake, they reach their golden anniversary and beyond.  Anything less, and the collective schadenfreude will be palpable.

On the flipside, a very close friend of mine has been undergoing a horrific divorce.  Actually, it’s more of a custody battle – there is so much money at stake (he runs a hedge fund) that there will be plenty for everyone, even after the lawyers have had their feast at the trough.  Hearing some of his stories would make your blood run cold.  I mean, Alec Baldwin, who has famously endured a protracted custody battle with his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, and has even written a book about it, would meekly fold his cards in a divorce war stories showdown with my friend.  So what brought him and the mother of his two beautiful kids to the precipice?  I won’t go into the details, one, for privacy reasons and two, because no one really knows what goes on in a marriage anyway, except for the participants, and even they sometimes aren’t quite sure.  Suffice to say that there are usually plenty of issues and fault to go around.  And sometimes you just get unlucky in who you choose for a spouse – which can often mean that the spouse was unlucky with who they got for parents.

For these and other reasons I prefer not to sit in judgment of another person’s marriage.  I’ve got enough miles on my own domestic odometer to know that it’s an exceedingly complex, occasionally frustrating, but often immensely satisfying institution.  At some stage in life you discover true humility (which, as Socrates demonstrated, is the alter ego of wisdom).  You get knocked around a bit, maybe sit out an inning, and your youthful romantic illusions get washed away.  That doesn’t mean you take your ball and go home, but – to continue the sports metaphor – staying in the game requires a respect for the rules, a wary eye for errant passes and a reluctance to engage in trash talking.

So: the case against marriage?  It’s almost too easy to make, especially when times are tough.  But, if we’re being really honest with ourselves, what’s the reason why we yearn for a happy ending when we watch that boy-meets-girl fable at the cinema?  This: it’s what, deep down, we truly want.  To be with someone we get, fully and completely, and who gets us the same way.  Someone who can share the heartaches and the triumphs that fate dishes out.  A fellow traveler on the journey of life.  And even if it sometimes doesn’t work out, that’s not a bad thing to shoot for.

September 1, 2009

It’s Not About the Hike

Filed under: General,Health & Wellness,The Great Outdoors — akascribe @ 10:13 pm

A few buddies and me, we’ve established what now can reasonably be described as an annual tradition.  Every June we head out of town for a weekend.  The locale usually varies but the constants are: an all-day hike, good food and lots of male camaraderie.  I think I can speak for the others when I say it’s become a major highlight on the calendar.

I’ve known the other three – Arthur, Edwin and Marco – for varying amounts of time and through differing connections, and I’d been happy socializing and even hiking with each of them before we started doing these wilderness pilgrimages, but it soon became apparent that we’d stumbled onto something special after the first trip together to Yosemite.  Actually, Art didn’t make that one, owing to a bicycle accident, but since I’d hiked Half Dome with him once before, it seemed like he was present.  We rectified it the next year, though, with a less strenuous but still beautiful hike in the Sierra south of Yosemite with our full compliment of four.

The original idea, I think, was something closer to camping.  Maybe not full-on backpacking, but at least cookouts and sleeping bags. Somehow it has morphed into staying at rustic but nicely equipped vacation rentals, with real beds and a kitchen.  I don’t think any of us minds.  We’ve all roughed it before and, speaking for myself, I’m unashamed to admit that at my age the creature comforts suit just fine.

That first year was the oddball, since we stayed in Curry Village tent cabins, which is neither fish nor fowl – you’re not really camping but you can’t cook for yourself either.  Which was just as well, as anyone who has climbed Half Dome knows.  You rise before 6 am, eat your own hastily-prepared breakfast in the dark (since the cafeteria isn’t open yet) then start hiking up.  And up.  After five hours of nature’s StairMaster and if you time it right – and we did – you’ll get to the cables before the crowds and then summit before noon. Eating lunch at the top, almost 5000’ above the valley and having survived (at least one-way) the infamous cables, can’t be adequately described. You really have to do it once, especially since there are routinely calls for the Park Service to impose restrictions on hiking Half Dome whenever some unfortunate climber tumbles off the cables to his death.  The hike down is long, hard on the legs and around mile 14 exhaustion sets in.  I don’t ever remember pizza and beer tasting so good, or sleeping so soundly.

Don't Look Down!

Don't look down!

Since then, however, the vibe has been more easy-going and less focused on the hiking. Perhaps a bit too much, as we discovered to our chagrin last year.  Everything was great – we’d found this amazing little slice of heaven in the Trinity Alps – but we’d started our hike without a real trail map (very uncharacteristic of me) and missed the trailhead altogether.  It was, in retrospect, an honest mistake, since the signpost was missing and the trail seemed to logically be an extension of the fire road that departed the parking area. If we hadn’t been talking and laughing and generally having so much fun, however, we might have noticed earlier that this “trailhead” didn’t exist.  When we were already a mile in and the fire road petered out, we were left with two choices: backtrack or try to bushwhack up and over the mountain’s shoulder to our alpine lake destination. We chose the latter.



I don’t believe we were ever in jeopardy, but it was an object lesson in preparedness.  Not only were we not carrying a proper trail map with contour lines, but I had foolishly neglected to bring my water pump that filters out bacteria and other nastiness from streams. After slogging it upward for several hours and finally throwing in the towel in an impenetrable Manzanita grove, we scarfed our sandwiches clinging to the side of the mountain, then retreated back down.  But we’d used a lot of the water on the way up and the day was only getting hotter.  Thank goodness we have a good collective sense of direction and no one had gotten injured.  After (mildly) kicking ourselves, we especially enjoyed those first cold beers at the cabin and vowed to return to finish the hike the next year.

Which we did.  Partly this was to complete the hike, but – to be honest – we’d enjoyed the place so much that we figured, why not? Cooking and eating hearty-gourmet fare (steak and potatoes figure prominently on the menu), swapping stories we’ve probably told before but don’t mind hearing again, and generally relaxing in the midst of friends who can be counted on to laugh at our dumb jokes, while returning the same in kind – this is what our guys weekend is about.

It's Not About the Hike

It's Not About the Hike

It’s interesting.  We all love being with our significant others and kids (we can now add Art to this category, and Edwin in the kid department), but there’s something to be said for reaching middle-age and hanging out without females in the mix.  This isn’t to say women don’t work their way into our conversations, but not in any manner that our own ladies would find problematic.  It’s guy talk. Healthy doses of sports, politics, history (you’d have to know the players), career musings and just general bullshitting.

I once had a seminar on medicine and philosophy in college that included a visit with Norman Cousins, the late editor of The Saturday Evening Post.  Cousins had just survived a serious illness and had written a book called Anatomy of an Illness about the mind-body connection and how (in his belief) laughter had healed him back to health.  He told us how he’d bought videotapes of every Marx Brothers movie available and then watched them over and over in his hospital room.  It’s become a cliché but only because it’s true: laughter is the best medicine.

I remembered this after watching a video Art recently assembled from stills and footage he took on this year’s trip back to the Trinity Alps, where we finally completed our hike.  The soundtrack (recorded on his innocuous-looking, compact digital camera – incredible!) included some of our laughter and I realized how much of the weekends are spent… laughing.  No wonder it feels so good.

We haven’t picked next year’s destination yet but I’m not too concerned.  We might not finish the hike we intend but we’ll have a hell of a lot of fun.

The Truth about Cats and Dogs

Filed under: Domestic Tranquility,General — akascribe @ 10:38 am

To my utter surprise, I have become a cat lover.  Never thought it would happen.  I suppose it took a “perfect storm” of circumstances, but it also goes to show – you just never know.

Growing up, we had cats and a dog, but I was definitely in the canine camp.  The fact that several of the cats were run over by cars might have had something to do with the bias.  It’s hard to form an attachment with a species that keeps getting itself killed.  Plus, the dog in question was an amazing Golden Retriever, the quintessential family dog.  Rusty – I had the honor of naming her when we got her as a puppy – surfed with us in the ocean (we lived on Malibu Beach), allowed my sister to ride her like a horse with nary a whimper, and stoically endured 6 months of rabies quarantine when we moved to England for high school.  The sweetest of creatures, she would plant a big wet one on you if your face got anywhere near her soft mug.  It’s hard not become a dog lover with a pooch like that.  We had a variety of cats during this period but they were all, well, second class pets in my eyes.  Cute and sometimes interesting, but still cats.



We finally euthanized Rusty at age 14 when, already blind and deaf, the rest of her organs started to fail.  My parents and sister took her to the vet, but I couldn’t bring myself to go.  I was 19 and I bawled like a baby.

I went dog-less (and cat-less) for a decade as I finished college, went off to graduate school and began working life on my own.  But something was always missing.  Finally, when I was between jobs and part-timing from home, it occurred to me: this was an opportunity.  Before I knew it, I was driving back from the Sacramento Valley with a barely-weaned Border collie puppy in my car.

Those who met Scout know I’m not exaggerating when I say she was the smartest and liveliest dog in the world.  The breed is known for that – they are working dogs, herding sheep in all types of weather and terrain.  Since she was a city dog, she was reduced to herding other dogs in parks – or anything else that moved.  Then we discovered Frisbee tossing, and she was hooked.  To watch her run full speed towards some spot where she calculated the Frisbee would go, making split-second adjustments for wind gusts and terrain, then leap at just the precise moment and catch it in her mouth – it was both a wonder and a joy.  I’m not sure who took more pleasure, her or me, but we spent countless hours over the years playing like that.



Truth be told, she wasn’t the most affectionate dog in the world, in the slobbery sense.  Oh, she loved to curl up next to me or to have me scratch her lower back, yet she wasn’t a big kisser.  But she was brighter and more loyal than a lot of people, and her sense of fun and accomplishment at a “job” well-done was infectious.

I could of course go on and on but unfortunately, in real life, she couldn’t.  I included a quote on her memorial card to the effect that, the only fault with dogs is that they don’t live long enough.  It’s true.  I mourned her well and deeply and will remember her for the rest of my life.

My son, who was 4 when Scout died, had already been hankering for a cat.  This wasn’t possible while she was alive because – for some reason – cats drove her bonkers.  My wife said that I egged her on, but I swear – all I did was teach her the word “cat” (she had a ridiculously large vocabulary) – and then say it out loud if I saw one.  With that, she’d tear off after it like some demented beast.  Cats being cats, they always safely escaped.  The only time she ever cornered a cat, she soon returned, tail between her legs, with two claws neatly stuck in her snout.

As Scout approached 14 years old, she got a malignant tumor on her paw and we readied ourselves for the inevitable.  A round of chemo cleared up the paw but the cancer had spread to her liver. Then one day she couldn’t get up.  She looked straight at me and told me with her mournful eyes – it’s time.  I picked her up and my wife drove us to our vet to put her out of her suffering.  I’m so glad I was there when she died – I guess I wasn’t ready with Rusty – but I was able to stroke Scout’s head and remind her of all the good times and then say goodbye.  When we got home I was of course a sobbing mess.  My sweet son patted me on the back and said: “Dad, I’m really sorry about Scout. [pause] Can we get a cat now?”  If you’ve ever laughed and cried at the same time, you’ll know how I felt.

I certainly wasn’t ready for another dog.  As the months went by, my son didn’t let up about the cat, so I asked around and located a woman who rescues them.  Collin had somehow got it into his head that he wanted a female marmalade tabby cat.  Don’t ask me why – that’s just what he wanted.  I phoned Debbie Edge, the cat lady, and put in our request.  She immediately responded, saying she didn’t have one of those, but if we were flexible there was one very special kitten we might want to meet.  He’d been rescued from the Sacramento shelter, which euthanizes, and was a grey-and-white tabby with a remarkably affectionate personality.  There were no dander issues (I sneeze around some cats), so we arranged to meet.

Well, it was all over in a New York minute.  Cats are supposed to be aloof, right? Not Clive (he came with the name).  Debbie handed him to me and he immediately settled on my shoulder and startled nuzzling me with his face, purring loudly and “making biscuits” with his paws.  I had no chance – the little guy swept me off my feet.



Do I miss having a dog?  You bet.  We actually got another one a year or so after Clive settled in, but Duke the black lab didn’t quite work out chez nous.  Let’s just say it’s tough to go from Einstein to Forest Gump.  Luckily, my sister and her family already had several horses, dogs, cats and various other critters, so she didn’t hesitate in adopting Duke.  (Erin, for the time he ate an entire 50 pound sack of kibble and had to have his stomach pumped, all I can say is: I did warn you.)

The one time I really miss having a dog is when I take a walk.  I love walking and it always seems like something is missing without a dog along.  Otherwise, now that we’ve found the perfect feline, there isn’t too much downside and a lot of upside.  He never requires a bath, something I couldn’t say for a dog.  It’s way easier to travel, whether for the day or on longer trips (although we have to hide the suitcases or Clive does get bummed out).  And I never have to clean up anything – Clive thoughtfully eschews the litter box and uses some remote part of the garden for his toilet needs.  I suppose we could do without the occasional offerings of freshly killed rodents and birds, but he seems so proud of himself that it would be churlish to scold him.

So what’s the truth about dogs and cats?  That they’re both wonderful.  And we’re damned lucky to have them in our lives.

August 28, 2009

Michael Jackson’s Doctor and the Law

Filed under: General,Health & Wellness — akascribe @ 3:27 pm

So now we learn that the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office has ruled Michael Jackson’s death a homicide.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s personal physician, admitted administering propofol to Jackson, in addition to other sedatives.  It sounds like the Medical Examiner concluded that this was a lethal dose.  If we are correct to understand that propofol is so strong that it is only used as an anesthetic under the constant supervision of a physician, not as a sleeping pill, then I don’t see how the District Attorney would have any alternative to bringing manslaughter charges against Dr. Murray.  If Dr. Murray had merely made a mistake in the dosage (e.g. misreading the numerals on his hypodermic), that would be enough for negligent homicide.  But the additional fact that he was using this particular drug in this manner, and then didn’t monitor his patient’s respiration and heart rate around the clock, would demonstrate a reckless disregard for the life of Jackson.

Why punish a doctor in this fashion, you might say?  After all, the damage has been done.  Why not just find him guilty of malpractice (i.e. negligent homicide)?  Because there’s a deterrence factor involved with a manslaughter conviction.  We want to do more than just punish the criminal or make sure he isn’t a further risk to society.  In the future, we want physicians to think twice before giving such inappropriate narcotics to otherwise healthy people in a non-hospital setting.  This whole “doctor to the stars” industry is a scandal that besmirches the reputations of thousands of legitimate, thoughtful physicians out there and these so-called “personal physicians” prey on the wealth and neuroses of celebrities.  Does Jackson bear some responsibility for his own death?  Absolutely.  But he undoubtedly had no idea this combination of drugs could kill him.

So, just to be clear:  Dr. Murray of course is innocent until proven guilty, even assuming charges are brought against him.  But if the facts fall the way they appear, the judge should throw the book at him.

August 23, 2009

Doing the (Charlie) Hustle

Filed under: General,Sports — akascribe @ 7:01 pm

God help me, I still read the local newspaper, that soon-to-be-extinct S.F. Chronicle.  And I don’t mean online, but in actual newsprint form.  I don’t know what compels me at this point, probably force of habit.  It certainly isn’t the quality of the content.  I almost cancelled the subscription this summer when – I kid you not – they ran a week-long front-page exposé on:  Fog.  That’s right, fog.  To paraphrase the line from Casablanca:  “I’m shocked, shocked, to discover fog in the Bay Area!”  These days, since my son is such a rabid athlete, the sports section gets the most attention.  Today’s paper included an article about the 20th anniversary of Pete Rose’s lifetime ban from baseball. 

It was basically a plea for the ban to be lifted and for Pete to be allowed to take his (rightful) place in the pantheon of greats, and be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.  Now there is no doubt Pete Rose is otherwise deserving of election by virtue of his playing career.  Among other gaudy statistics, he still holds the record for most hits.  Conspicuously absent from the article however, was any mention that pugnacious Pete has steadfastly refused, in these subsequent twenty years, to apologize for betting on Reds baseball games while managing the team (an obvious and illegal no-no) or to unequivocally acknowledge having done so.  Unrepentant to the extreme, he nonetheless wishes the commissioner to show leniency and has plenty of former colleagues to serve as his apologists.  The article’s glaring omission moved me to write a letter to the editor.  (Friends of mine know this is a pathetically quixotic habit that is only abetted by the absurd frequency with which magazine and newspaper editors publish the damned letters.  Believe me, it’s not so much the quality of the missives, it’s the paucity of readers sending them in!) 

I had to point out the obvious, namely that the prerequisites for asking for forgiveness are:  acknowledging your behavior and apologizing for it.  Any 1st grader knows that.  But perhaps being a really good baseball player somehow obviates this requirement.  Not to belabor the point, but this same mentality pervades the (unrelenting) baseball steroids scandal.  My son, a big fan of the game, now just assumes a player cheated if his name is mentioned in the context of drug use.  Jeter?  Must be guilty.  Big Papi?  Same.  Folks, there’s a reason why we want people to take responsibility for their actions.  Because actions have consequences.  And our children are watching.

Laugh ’til it Hurts

Filed under: At the Movies,General — akascribe @ 6:23 pm

I recently saw the British movie In the Loop (with a good buddy – congratulations on fatherhood, Edwin!) and left the cinema with mixed feelings.  The film is very funny, an over-the-top send-up of politics and diplomacy that echoes the lead-up to the Iraq War.  We were literally in stitches for much of the film, especially in response to the fictional press secretary to the British Prime Minister, a foul-mouthed Glaswegian who is equal parts Nicolo Machiavelli and Lewis Black.  But every character behaves so badly, from all echelons of the British and American governments, and so hilariously, that I was left emotionally and morally drained.  One can only hope that the extreme cynicism of the satire was only remotely grounded in reality.

I suppose the humor is akin to that of Sasha Baron Cohen – it’s so painful to watch and so seemingly bereft of redemption that you feel disappointed in yourself for taking pleasure in it.  Part of an old screenwriting adage from Hollywood goes: “Comedy is hard.” That is, difficult to pull off.  But in this case, it’s hard in the other sense as well.


Filed under: General — akascribe @ 6:21 pm

This is the inaugural post for Akascribe. 

It seemed time.

Why “Akascribe”?  Aka, short for akamai, which is Hawaiian for excellent or brilliant.  And scribe, as in a writer.  Okay, perhaps not modest but hopefully a catchy domain name nonetheless.

So here goes…

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